Global construction media feature Raimondi’s LR213 and Deluxe R16 launches
Company News: 1 August 2016
Company News: 1 August 2016
Two new Raimondi Cranes product launches in July 2016 garnered global construction media coverage: the release of the LR213 crane and the early July launch of Raimondi’s Deluxe R16 crane cabin. The luffing LR213 crane, ideal for the urban jobsite, performs especially well in construction scenarios involving high rise buildings in close proximity or areas with difficult to obtain flyover rights. The Deluxe R16 crane cabin is ergonomically designed based on customer and crane operator feedback and trials. The press gallery of the LRT213 and Deluxe R16 is segmented by articles in English and articles in other languages:
English-language coverage
Additional coverage in languages other than English
Visit the full Raimondi Cranes press archive.